Sunday, October 20, 2013

Window 7 Plus a Gable Window

Today was a GOOD DAY - John and I got the bathroom window (window 7) installed and we got the gable window in.  The only window left is the loft window, which is the stained glass window, and David is still designing it, so it isn't ready.  It's a great feeling to be (nearly) done with windows!  I feel like a professional window installer LOL (although John points out that as soon as I was hired to install on a house with a second floor I would quit... lol  Yeah, he's probably right.)

My friend Kelley told me my part time construction job is giving me a nice tan - bonus!  Unfortunately I also feel like I am somehow gaining weight!  Must be the job site food truck...

Here's window 7 installed!

We didn't beat our previous time of 1:12.  : (

Side "B" done!
That was our last casement window!  All that remained was the gable awning window, and the loft awning window.

The gable window was a bit more challenging because we had to navigate the tongue of the trailer and be careful not to break the big window that was just below the gable.  Eeek.

I drilled the holes in the corners from the inside of the house.  Then we needed to draw lines to connect the holes so we knew where to cut.

We tried a few different ladder placement locations. First we leaned the ladder right against the house but realized that it was leaning exactly where we needed to cut out the window.  Fail.

Then we put a plank across the purlins and leaned the ladder against the plank.  The tops of the purlins were draped with towels to protect them.  That worked briefly while I drew 2 of the 4 cut lines...

Drawing the cut lines

Drawing the lines

...but then the board started to tilt.  We aborted.

Next we switched out the boards - put a narrower one across the purlins.  That worked better.

Cutting the vertical lines...
 Then for the horizontal lines...

Cutting the bottom horizontal line...
Then the top one...

Cleaning up the corners with the jigaw
Then we flashed, dry fit the window, leveled, squared, screwed, leveled & squared again, caulked, screwed, caulked, screwed, caulked, screwed, caulked, screwed and flashed.  WHEW.

We didn't time this one!

View from the inside

And now until the stained glass loft window is done?  The window chapter is OVER!  Another hurdle - YAY!!  It's such a great feeling of accomplishment;  I feel like I've mastered windows.   Next up are the front steps and the loft ladder.  I'm working on plumbing behind the scenes, I promise.  : )

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