I think I'm going to get to have more than one big window per side! Super excited. Details as they develop.
High on my priority list house-wise has been to figure out my windows. Number of windows, size, and placement. My trailer is being fabricated, and when that is done, framing is going to begin. Key to framing is planning for windows.
I have a few window considerations:
1) I have a dog, and I'll probably always have a dog, and I want said dog to be able to see out of 1-2 windows without climbing up on furniture;
2) I have a pair of rectangular stained glass pieces from my (traditional) house that I'd like to be able to hang in windows; and
Not the best photo... |
3) I have a stained glass round, and I'd like a window to accommodate that.
The "stock" design of windows in the Gifford calls for 3 matching windows per (long) side, one "picture" window opposite the front door, and 1-2 windows up in the gable/loft. (And sky lights, but I haven't chosen those yet - I just know that I want it/them.)
For the window that I call the picture window, which is on the short wall opposite the front door, Jay has allowed for roughly a 49" x 32" window. He calls for a 5 pane over one large pane, but my sketch doesn't show that detail - (a pretty detail that I will likely employ.)
Because of the generous size of that window, I will be able to hang my stained glass pieces vertically side-by-side in that window if I choose, depending on privacy needs and scenery. (They will not be permanently affixed - they will have loops to hang.)
kitchen window - it probably has a bit more flexibility with size and placement, but not a
ton. The plans call for roughly a 20" x 30" windows and that seems reasonable. Either the kitchen or the bath will accommodate my stained
glass round, which is 18" in diameter. This sketch shows the stained glass round hanging in the kitchen window:
The bathroom window is fairly inflexible on placement, unless I want a
window looking in on my toilet or into my shower.... I guess I probably
have a wee (arr arr) bit of flexibility with size, but horizontally it
pretty much has a set place that it needs to be installed.
As you can see in the two sketches above, I think I am going to add a large, vertical window pane in the center of the room, one on each side of the house. I will stagger them, so that you cannot see straight through the house, and I think the staggering will also help with the interior layout of furniture, etc. I do not have the exact dimension of that window yet. Nor do I know yet if it will open or not. And the final consideration is racking. I need to ask someone who knows more than me whether or not my walls can accept a window of that size and placement.
And then the third window, which in these two sketches is shown horizontal with the stained glass piece. I've had varied responses from friends as to turning that window horizonally versus having it match the bathroom window. I can't decide which I like better. What do you think? If you have an opinion, I'd really like to hear it. Does it look too choppy?
So now the work that remains here is to figure out the actual windows to
order, and which windows will be operable, and then of the operable
ones, which will have screens. I love fresh air, but I'm not so excited
about bugs joining me indoors.
And quite honestly, I really think one of these would be hilarious --
but I can't figure out where it would go. In the front door?? It just makes me laugh.